Working together while apart: Management and collaboration to decarbonise Indian transport

The NDC-TIA project is an important pathway to help decarbonise Indian transport. Carl Adler reports on the challenges of managing the ITF’s work on the project and aspects of the project that allow for deep collaboration and exchange. Continue reading Working together while apart: Management and collaboration to decarbonise Indian transport

Filling the gaps: The life-cycle emissions of Indian transport

As the world’s most populous country continues to grow, ensuring that India’s transport systems develop sustainably is critical. Transport Policy Matters reports on a new tool that delivers the practical insights we need to decarbonise transport on the planet’s third-largest road network. Continue reading Filling the gaps: The life-cycle emissions of Indian transport

Paris vote le sort des trottinettes électriques : ce qu’il faut savoir

La ville de Paris demande à ses habitants s’ils veulent conserver les scooters électriques en free-floating. Transport Policy Matters est là pour aider les Parisiens à peser les arguments pour décider de leur vote le 2 avril. Continue reading Paris vote le sort des trottinettes électriques : ce qu’il faut savoir